Nathan Gilbert

Vern deep in thought.


Machine Learning Labs - I've been working on some labs for the AI/ML Guild at Workfront.

Complexity Linting - How to lint for complexity in your code.

Dev Life Hacks - Some tricks I use to make devlife easier.

Naming Things is Hard - Naming things is hard.

Git Tricks - Some handy git commands.

Jeep XJ Axle Info - Information on Jeep XJ Axles.

Logical Fallacies - Just some examples I wanted to keep around for posterity.

OpenBSD Setup - Some good setup links for OpenBSD.

Raspberry Pi Setup - Setting up a Raspberry Pi.

Useful Vim Settings - Vim settings I use.

Wiio's Law - Wiio's Law of communication.

Random Jeep Stuff - Odds and ends on 90s Jeeps.