Nathan Gilbert


I recently bought an old Acer laptop and revived it using OpenBSD.
It's a fun operating system to use on any hardware. OpenBSD is touted as the most secure OS in
the world.

Some good setup links:

XDM Setup

The login screen is managed by XDM. This is the config I used to get a nice blue background with
the puffer fish logo.


xrandr --output default --dpi 96

# requires pkg_add terminus-font
xset fp+ /usr/local/share/fonts/terminus


${exec_prefix}/bin/xsetroot -solid $BG_COLOR

# Disable xconsole
# ${exec_prefix}/bin/xconsole -geometry 480x130-0-0 -daemon -notify -verbose -fn fixed -exitOnFail

# Show the Sleep / Restart / Shutdown bar
# In case of sleep, pop xmessage again after waking up
while true; do
  xmessage -geometry +825-32 \
    -buttons "[ Sleep ]":20,"[ Restart ]":21,"[ Shutdown ]":22 ""
  echo "Xmessage said: $ACTION"
  if   [ $ACTION -eq 20 ]; then /usr/sbin/zzz;
  elif [ $ACTION -eq 21 ]; then
    xsetroot -cursor_name watch
    /sbin/shutdown -r now
  elif [ $ACTION -eq 22 ]; then
    xsetroot -cursor_name watch
    /sbin/shutdown -p now
  else echo "Something bad happened to Xmessage.";
  # Stop looping if xclock died (hopefully killed by GiveConsole)
  if [ -z "$(pgrep -U root xclock)" ]; then break; fi
) &

OS_NAME=$(uname -n)
OS_INFO=$(uname -smr)
xclock -digital -geometry -0+0 -strftime "$OS_NAME ($OS_INFO) | %a. %d %b. %Y  %H:%M " &